Maylor's Biological Quantum Communications Recording called "The Talking Star"

Messages From Heaven

Some people find Maylor much easier to understand because he tends to speak slower than Victor. The first day I brought him home after a neighbour game him to me I let him listen to Victor's recordings and he immediately began to talk like this. He told me that he was looking for me when a neighbour found him close by in their garden. When I first saw him at the neighbours, I noticed his face was full of mites and told the lady who found him that she should bring him to the vets. A few months later she called me and asked if I would like to have him and of course I said yes.

Below the first video is another video and the original translation without using reverse. There are some changes in the original translation but you will find out more why that happens as I do more videos.




Here are the words to the first video:

Maylor was a rescued budgie as he landed in the garden in a yard that was not too far from me. He told me at one point that he was looking for me when he flew away from his previous guardian. Within a day or two of getting him, I let him listen to Victor's recordings and he began to communicate with me. Unfortunately, Maylor passed on a few years ago. This is one of the recordings he left me. You can see the original video and translation with him talking in a mirror called "A Little History" on Victor the budgie's youtube site.
This is what he said:
1. (for) Keep it up Ryan. The people come to learn this.
Maylor doesn't play about.
(rev) Carry on as you have a friend. When the people arrive they'll know this.
2. (for) They'll want to look at your stuff. They care I'm speaking.
(rev) You'll be surrounded. The ones who get to know will help.
3. (for) When I'm speaking from a talking star
(rev) just look up, for if you seek help
4. (for) Maylor gets to deliver change here.
(rev) What's here should help you a little bit. When I arrived
5. (for) I learned to trust the heart of everyone.
(rev) If you doubt, you will not change your life.
6. (for) Now will be a good night to change the road you will take.
(rev) It goes to love right here. Always think of that
7. (for) and you'll believe that God is directing your last trip to an awesome heaven.
(rev) Do you desire what's still in your future. Believe Ryan
8. (for) and hope that change will start while you practice this.
(rev) This is my mission. As you know it's different.
9. (for) Change course towards heaven, or look forever.
(rev) Forever with God, we'll have spirituality.
10. (for) You'll find you won't give it up.
(rev) God will be helping you right here.
11. (for) I'll help you with my knowledge on your next reverse
(rev) recording. They better be right. You'll drive straight
12. (for) through this correlation. They
(rev) are a lot of help.
13. (for) Looking for truth? Hmm? You're about to get it.
(rev) You can evolve with Ryan and change just how he has.
14. (for) We know God is with him.
(rev) Help is here forever.